As a keen hiker and trail runner, I started Heading for the Hills (H4TH) because I’m always searching the web to gather information when planning a hike or trail run. There’s so much great content both online and offline but it’s so scattered, I decided to start pulling it all together. H4TH provides a comprehensive collection of information for all things hiking (bushwalking) and trail running in Victoria, from short day hikes to multi-day adventures.
I am now the mum to a young explorer so our outdoor adventures now have a family-friendly slant.
There is so much great info out there about tracks and trails in the various state and national parks in Victoria that rather than reproduce it, H4TH links to existing content and where we find gaps in content, I’ll seek to fill that gap with our own content. If you find something that should be added, just let me know.
We’re starting off small but we’ll get there 😉 So, where will you be this weekend?